Our Shadchanim

Varda Berkovitz resides in Passaic, New Jersey with her husband, David, and five children. Varda has been actively involved in Yad L'Simcha: the Passaic/Clifton Shidduch Committee, the Riverdale Shidduch Group, and is a matchmaker on Saw You at Sinai. Varda is a graduate of Stern College for Women, and has a Masters degree in Special Education. She is the proud mother of a B’nos Chava graduate, and a Maalot student.

Hilary Kahn , an alumna of Neve, resides in Chicago, Illinois, with her family. Hilary is an active shadchan who says about her matchmaking efforts: “I am honest and forthright and work best with those who tell the truth. I am highly intuitive and can usually read people after a few discussions. I prefer to be involved in a shidduch for as long as a couple needs me to help. I want to work with those who truly want to get married.”

Marla Schachter currently resides in Passaic, New Jersey with her husband and six children. Marla is originally from Toronto; graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in biology/human physiology, and is a part-time science teacher. In 1991, Marla spent a year at Neve in the Shalhevet program. Marla and her husband, Jeff, who is from LA and attended Aish Hatorah, have since been involved in Kiruv on many different levels. Marla has been active in shidduchim for many years, primarily with Baalei Teshuva. Marla often hosts Neve alumnae, hoping to be of help in their next stage of life - the shidduch process.

Anna Vorhand is Rebbetzin of Heichal Moshe on 91st Street in New York City, and is also part of the Riverdale Shidduch Group. Anna is the proud mother of a Neve alumna.

Mrs. Dina Mensch. Dina is an alumna of Neve and currently lives in Passaic, NJ with her family. She is a graduate of Amherst College and NYU Law School, but has traded in her law career for various chessed endeavors. She has been involved in kiruv for many years through Aish HaTorah, Partners in Torah, and general Shabbos hospitality. Dina believes that communication between the single and shadchan is crucial to a successful partnership, and she will put much effort into a shidduch if you put effort into your own quest. Dina invites you to reach out to her!

Our Mentor

Tziporah Eisemann lives in Passaic, New Jersey with her husband,"Rabbi E" and family. They have been involved in college campus kiruv since 1999. Tziporah has been a mentor for shidduchim since 1996. She says,"Mentors are available, should you desire, to assist you in any and all parts of the dating process. Your mentor could be very involved or almost uninvolved (if she were completely uninvolved she wouldn't be a mentor :) as you choose. She can help introduce you to shadchanim, help you research suggestions, help you sift through suggestions, discuss your dates with you, and in general be an advocate for you as you navigate your way to marriage. Whether you are new to the dating game or old hat, a mentor can be very useful!"